Google Starts Counting Android Activations Based On A User Visit To Its Play Store
Google has made a small but telling change to how it reports
Android activation data for the benefit of its developer community,
switching from reporting device activation based on a general or
background check-in to its activation servers to — starting this month —
counting only those devices where a user visits its Play Store. The
shift is a subtle one but indicates that Google is trying to help
developers identify active vs passive users of Android devices, to sort
the wheat from the chaff as it were. (h/t to Android Beat for flagging the change.)
It’s also more proof, if proof were needed, that Google’s priority
with Android has shifted from driving adoption of its platform (which
has become the dominant smartphone platform, with a 70% global share at the end of 2012)
to driving usage in ways that play nicely with its own ad-driven
business priorities. In the early years of the platform Google used
Android activations as a headline figure to market growth in Android
adoption — so the more devices, the better. Now it is more concerned
about de-emphasising those Android devices that don’t contain any Google
services — and therefore don’t contribute to its coffers.
Commenting on the change via Twitter, Enders Analysis analyst Benedict Evans noted:
“Given the number of Android picture frames and
smartphones-used-as-featurephones, devices hitting Play is a better
metric than activations.”
The first swathe of activation data collected by Google — presumably
using its new measure — shows the following breakdown of Android
versions. It’s notable that Gingerbread (v 2.3.3 – 2.3.7) remains the
version with the largest proportion of activations (39.7%), followed by
Ice Cream Sandwich with 29.3% and Jelly Bean v 4.1.x with 23%:
We’ve reached out to Google to confirm this swathe of data, gathered during a two-week period ending April 32, was collected using the new Play measure — and will update this story with any response.
Google also reports screen size data for Android activations. Just
4.9% of activated devices over the two week period had an Xlarge screen
size (of greater than 7 inches), while the vast majority (79.9%) were
“normal” sized — from 3 inches to around 4.5 inches. The phablet and
mini tablet containing category of ‘large’ took a 5.7% slice of the